Wangari Joyce Ngugi

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CV and Cover Letter Revamp

07 Jul, 2023

By Wangari

4 review(s)

Get your CV and Cover letter revamped today. We also provide LinkedIn profile, mock job interview, website design, poster design, company profile design and technical/financial proposal and report writing. Inbox 

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  1. Doris mukami maina
    Posted on 15 Jul, 2024

    I want this an opportunity for me

  2. George ochieng ramogi
    Posted on 31 Dec, 2023

    I need to check to work

  3. Maureen Waithaka
    Posted on 20 Dec, 2023

    Good afternoon Dr. Wangari.. Kindly l humbly request for your mentorship am young in the field. Is that possible?

  4. Florence
    Posted on 24 Aug, 2023

    How much do you charge for CV revemp?

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